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10 Common Reasons Why Microwaves Don't Work Properly

10 Common Reasons Why Microwaves Don’t Work Properly

Super-helpful microwaves speed up your cooking and save time in your kitchen, reheating leftovers from popping popcorn to quick meals- it is always there. The problem, though, is sometimes they just won’t work, which is annoying, especially if you’re hungry and not so much of a hurry. Do not worry, as most of these issues can be resolved with the right knowledge or help. If you’re facing persistent problems, you can always rely on a reliable microwave repair service in Kolkata to get your appliance back in working order. Here’s a look at the 10 most common reasons for microwave failure and how you could solve them.

1. The Microwave Isn’t Plugged In

Perhaps a bit obvious, but the leading cause of microwaves that will not start is because it was not plugged into an outlet correctly. If your microwave’s power cord is loose on the socket or not adequately plugged into the socket, your microwave will not work.

Simply verify if it’s plugged well; if loose, try inserting the plugin forcefully. Additionally, confirm that the socket or PowerPoint works by plugging in some other appliance and confirming that works too.

2. The Door Isn’t Closing Properly

The microwave door must be tightly closed before eating the food inside it. If it is not shutting off then it can be a sign of trapping the food or debris in between the frames. Shutting the door properly is a safety major too. Ensure that the microwave door frame is clean so that the door can close and it can avoid food particles and debris.

3. Blown Fuse or Tripped Circuit Breaker

Your microwave might not turn on due to a blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker. These protect the microwave from electrical-related problems. It won’t even turn on once one of its fuses has blown.

Perhaps there’s a tripped circuit breaker in the event of overloading in your electrical system. If it does not reset by simply pushing on the breaker, a replacement fuse will be needed to restore the microwave oven function.

4. Malfunctioning Control Panel

It’s where you usually punch buttons for your microwave oven’s cooking time power level and other requirements. If your microwave’s control panel has malfunctioned or no longer responds to inputs, this can be because of a technical failure or even short-circuiting.

Remove the power source for the microwave from the outlet for several minutes before reinserting the plug back. If that is not a solution, you probably need a fix on your microwave control panel.

5. Damaged Turntable or Motor

If your turntable is not rotating or your microwave unevenly heats your food, the turntable or motor may have broken. The turntable ensures the proper distribution of heat, therefore when it has broken down, food may not cook correctly.

Check whether the turntable or motor is bad. If the turntable is not rotating, you could try removing the turntable and trying to test it without the plate. If it is still not rotating, the motor might need replacement.

10 Common Reasons Why Microwaves Don't Work Properly

6. Microwave Door Switch Problem

The door switch has the ability to inform the microwave whether the door is opened or closed. In case of failure of the switch, the appliance will not function even if you think the door is closed. You should be attentive when you close the door. If you cannot hear a clicking sound, probably the door switch is faulty and needs a repairman to diagnose it.

7. Weak or No Heat

If your microwave is on or not heating the food then it can be a major problem of the magnetron. The magnetron has a major role in heating the microwave. If you find that your magnetron is broken then you need to contact a professional technician. Replacing the broken one into the new one can be quite expensive but it is worth it because it can make your work back for a long time.

8. Overheating Microwave

Built into the microwave are safety features to automatically shut down in case the appliance gets too hot, as this could potentially damage it or even create fire hazards. An overheating microwave may momentarily malfunction.

Your microwave should be kept in a well-ventilated area, free from blocked vents that allow the free circulation of air. Especially if you have used the microwave for an extended period.

9. Outdated or Faulty Components

Microwaves, like any appliance, have a limited lifespan. Components may wear out with age, and the microwave may not perform as expected. Some of the most common worn-out parts include fuse, capacitor, and transformer. An old microwave will most likely need to be replaced if nothing works. Sometimes, it is cheaper to replace older microwaves than it is to repair them.

10. Microwave Isn’t Turning On After Power Surge

If you see the power surging in your microwave while turning it on then that can be a problem in your main circuit board. The power surges can also be blown from the internal part of the microwave. The signs of power surges are light storms or quick outages.

How to Prevent Microwave Problems

In case you cannot avoid some microwave problems, you should not worry, as some methods can keep your microwave working well for longer. Here are some of these methods:

  • Clean the Microwave: Clean the inside and outside of your microwave by wiping away any food splatters and grease. This can maintain the performance of your microwave.
  • Do Not Overheat: Don’t leave the food in the microwave for longer times without allowing it time to cool. Food items cooked for a more extended period need to be checked on every few minutes.
  • Use Microwave-Safe Containers: Always use containers labelled as microwave-safe to prevent both the microwave and the containers from being damaged.


Microwaves prove to be helpful tools, as they can run into problems if they are just like any other equipment. Whether your microwave is one of those very simple issues as not plugging it up or a difficult issue such as the magnetron not working anymore, most have the potential solution to be applied by doing minimal troubleshooting. These tips in the blog will aid you in preventing issues and maintaining your microwave’s functionality. However, if these methods don’t solve your problem, it’s essential tochoose the right home appliance repair service in Kolkata. A professional technician can quickly analyze and fix the issue, ensuring your microwave works perfectly again in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my microwave go dead after a power surge?

 A power surge can significantly damage some internal components of this product. Sometimes, internal circuits, like the circuit board, may even break. In other words, always use a surge protector.

If your microwave is more than 10 years old and consistently breaks down, it is high time to get a new one. Older models are less energy efficient and often break down.

If the turntable is not turning, inspect the motor and the turntable plate. If the motor is faulty, someone may need to replace it.

 Keep your microwave clean. Don’t overload it. Use microwave-safe containers. And, don’t run it when it’s empty.

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